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Tim Lalor Lord of the Code

Tim Lalor

TimLalorLord of the Code

Phone: +1 860-928-7828

Tim joined Rational Acoustics in January 2015 as our Principal Software Developer. Tim wrangles all the bits and bytes and is entirely responsible for developing Smaart (no pressure Tim).

Tim is a Vermonter to the core, and enjoys running every day as long as the snow isn’t too deep. He holds a BA in Physics from Binghampton University and will be exercising his degree heavily in the coming years.

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OSX Yosemite

After spending some time with OSX Yosemite we’ve determined that there are no compatibility issues with Smaart v7, Smaart v7 DI, or the Smaart I-O.

Although Smaart is compatible, we cannot guarantee that your audio device will work with the new OS. Check with your audio device manufacturer to ensure that compatible drivers are available before upgrading.

Do NOT deactivate Smaart before upgrading to Yosemite unless you are also fully reformatting the hard drive. Simply install the new OS and contact if you encounter any problems.

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Smaart v.7 and Smaart v.7 DI Updates available

We have released updates for both Smaart v7 and Smaart v7 Di.
Both are free updates and are recommended for all v7 and/or v7 Di users.
A detailed list of the new features and bug fixes for each release is included below.

This update includes all of the Real Time Mode features that were added to the full v7 program in the 7.5 update. Smaart v7 Di 1.1 also includes the long awaited v7 Di API. There is no licensing change for this update, simply follow the normal update instructions below.

Note: Due to functional differences between Smaart v7 and v7 Di, the Di API is not identical to the v7 API. Existing third-party programs that include integration with the v7 API will not work with DI until the manufacturer of that program includes the ability to connect to the DI API. All existing SDK recipients have been notified of this change in advance.

• Added Smaart v7 Di API
Allows third party programs the ability to query and issue basic command to any operating copy or v7 Di (Host) as well as request the output data of any of its running measurements (graphics)

• Added Normalize function for TF measurements 
Holding the Shift key and clicking anywhere on the Magnitude plot Normalizes all visible traces to 0 dB at that frequency.

• Added Quick Compare for TF measurements (Trace Subtract)
Quick Compare captures a copy of the top Transfer Function trace and stores the inverse in memory as a weighting curve. This curve can be quickly applied as a global weighting curve to all live Transfer Function measurements. See the help file topic “Weighting Curves” for more information.

• Added Target Curves on RTA plots
Import ASCII traces into Smaart and display them in a static position on the RTA plot to serve as a visual target or threshold for your single-channel measurements. Curves are managed from Options -> Target Curves and are toggled with the X hotkey.

• Live IR plot can now occupy a proportional amount of space when viewing multiple plots 
The Live IR plot can occupy 1/3 or 1/2 of the plot space when viewed with another TF plot. This feature is enabled by checking “Proportional Panes” in Transfer Function Options.

• Added Configuration Management
Save as/Restore default on current configuration. Recall, delete and copy functions for stored configs.

• Hover text on Trace Folders (useful when using long folder names) 
Hovering your cursor over Trace Folders displays information text similar to Trace Info text.

• Improved Fractional Octave Smoothing
• Improved Coherence-Weighted Averaging
• Improved Integrated Averaging (1 sec, 2 sec, etc)
• Changed Mag Range in TF Options to be a Customizable Default
• Changed Smaart IO to be Default Output Device for Signal generator (when connected)

For more information about these new v7 Di features, please review Smaart’s built-in Help File.

The 7.5.2 update is a minor update with a few important bug fixes.

• Fixed bug where IR ETC would not calculate for certain filters
• Fixed bug where Normalize wouldn’t work if only one trace was being shown
• Fixed bug where global weighting was being applied to loaded traces
• Fixed smoothing bug with measurements falling below magnitude threshold 

Update Instructions (applicable to both Smaart v7 and v7 Di)

1. Log into your account at
2. Select “Your Software Licenses” on the main navigation bar.
3. Click on your Smaart v.7 or Smaart v7 Di license in your list of registered products.
4. On your Smaart License page, scroll down to find the link to download the latest installer (Mac or Windows)
5. Install the new version by running the installer program (Windows) or dragging the new version from the disk image into your Applications folder (Mac).
6. It is NOT necessary to deactivate or re-activate your installation or re-register your v.7 or v.7 Di License.

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Smaart v.7 Di nominated TEC Awards

We are pleased to announce that Smaart v.7 Di has been nominated for 2013 TEC Awards.  We are honored by the recognition of Smaart v.7 Di by our industry peers and extend our deepest thanks to the TEC Award nominating panel.

The TEC Awards will be held on January 24, 2014 during the NAMM Show in Anaheim.  Smaart v.7 Di is nominated in the category of “Outstanding Technical Achievement – Ancillary Equipment”.  Winners are chosen by a panel of professional audio and sound production companies.

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official release of Smaart v.7 Di

We are pleased to announce the official release of Smaart v.7 Di (Dual-channel Interface)!

Smaart v.7 Di is a streamlined, two-channel version of the standard Smaart v.7 analysis software.v7Di Screen Shot 1.6

The primary focus of the Smaart v.7 Di platform is to offer a simplified version of the Smaart v.7 program; one that is significantly easier to configure and operate, without sacrificing the measurement power of our current Spectrum and Transfer Function measurement engines.

Smaart v.7 Di’s fixed, two channel architecture provides a nimble, quickly adaptable measurement environment, with all critical configuration and control parameters accessible from a single intuitive UI (user interface); perfect for quick and precise measurements without the demands of the standard version’s multi-measurement, multi-mode complexity.

Smaart v.7 Di’s Spectrum and Transfer Function engines have the same power and capabilities as those in the standard version. However, in the spirit of simplicity, v.7 Di does not include a separate Impulse Response (IR) Mode. Instead, all time domain measurement capabilities in v.7 Di reside in the Live IR display of the TF measurement.

In order to maintain easy portability and interoperability between versions, both versions of Smaart use the same RTA and TF data formats. Smaart v.7 and Smaart v.7 Di share the same control and command structure (view control, zooms, hot-keys, data capture commands, etc.), so moving back and forth between versions does not require learning a whole new control and command paradigm. For a discussion about the differences between Di and the full version of v.7, click here

As an added bonus, the Smaart I-O’s gain and phantom power controls are integrated directly into the Smaart v.7 Di interface; making a “Smaart v.7 Di + Smaart I-O” combo an excellent package for users who want the most elegant, and streamlined, set-up possible.

For more information about Smaart v.7 Di and the differences between it and the full version, visit the v.7 Di product page here

30 Day Demo

There is a 30 Day Demo of Smaart v.7 Di available here. You can download the Demo and evaluate the program free of charge for 30 days. Please note: for security reasons the Demo will have some functionality disabled. This should not interfere with your ability to use or evaluate Smaart v.7 Di but it will be very important for you to read the “ReadMe” document that will be included with the Demo for more information about the disabled features. Also, the Smaart v.7 Di Demo CANNOT be renewed and cannot be turned into a licensed version of v.7 Di. It will simply expire and cease to function after 30 days. You will need a completely different installer for the licensed version.

Smaart v.7 Di Training Classes

We are in the process of developing a one-day Smaart v.7 Di Training Class which will be specific to the Smaart v.7 Di platform. We will have full information about class curriculum, pricing & initial dates & locations in the next Rational Report. (If you’re not already subscribed to our mailing list, do so here!)

Smaart v.7 Di Pricing and Purchase Information

New licenses of Smaart v.7 Di and upgrades from Smaart v4, v5, and v6 are available from the Rational Acoustics online store or from any authorized Rational Acoustics dealer or distributor (click here for a list of all authorized Rational Acoustics dealers and distributors).

Retail pricing is as follows:
Smaart v.7 Di New License: $595 USD
Smaart v.6 to v.7 Di Upgrade: $300 USD
Smaart v5 to v.7 Di Upgrade: $400 USD
Smaart v.4 to v.7 Di Upgrade: $500 USD

All new licenses come with 2 installs. Licenses can be delivered via e-mail or via hard copy CD package (shipping costs apply). Discounted combo packages of Smaart v.7 Di plus the Smaart I-0 and various microphone options are available via the Rational online store.

**Smaart v.7 Di for v.7 Owners**

There is no “upgrade” or “crossgrade” available from Smaart v.7 to v.7 Di. Instead, v.7 and v.7 Di owners will have the ability to purchase add-on licenses of either version to their existing license accounts using the new self-service “Add-On” sales function from within license management accounts at

  • Registered Smaart v.7 users can purchase a special single-install license of v.7 Di for 1/2 US retail price from within their license mgmt account using a credit card (a separate v.7 Di license # will be issued & assigned directly to your account)
  • Registered v.7 Di users can purchase a special single-install license of full Smaart v.7 for 1/2 US retail price from within their license mgmt account using a credit card (a separate v.7 license # will be issued & assigned directly to your account)
  • Both registered Smaart v.7 and Smaart v.7 Di users can purchase additional incremental installs of the same license type onto the same license number from within their license mgmt. account using a credit card. The install count of the chosen license will automatically be incremented online.
  • Single-install license add-on sales are restricted to registered v.7 and v.7 Di users only
  • Users who cannot /do not want to purchase online using a credit card may place orders for add-on licenses or for add-on installs by contacting or your local Rational Acoustics dealer or distributor

Smaart v.7 Di Release Special for v.7 Owners

As a special thank you to our current Smaart v.7 user base we are offering a release special of $200 per install for Smaart v.7 owners who add a v.7 Di License (one or more installs) to their existing account via the self-service license “Add-on” sales function within the license management site.

Normal pricing for Smaart v.7 Di is $297.50 per install, so this is a $97.50 (33%) savings.

This offer is only valid for 90 DAYS after the release of Smaart v.7 Di. Ends September 6th, 2013.

If you have any pre-sales technical questions, or if you find a problem with the program, feel free to send us an email at

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Updating to Smaart v7.4

John Aldrich from Rational Acoustics explains the new licensing and activation procedure for upgrading your Smaart v7 license to the current 7.4 release. This release is free to v7 license holders.

Details about the release can be found here:…
or here:…


*Captions are available for this video. These captions can be automatically translated into any language supported by Google Translate. Click on the captions icon (CC), then choose “Translate” from the drop-list*

* Los subtítulos están disponibles para este video. Estos títulos se pueden traducir de forma automática en cualquier lenguaje soportado por Google Translate. Haz clic en el icono de subtítulos (CC), a continuación, elija “Traducir” de la lista desplegable *

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Chris Tsanjoures

Chris Tsanjoures

ChrisTsanjouresSingaporePRProduct & Applications Manager, Smaart Instructor

Phone: +1 860-928-7828

After a brief internship followed by a part-time position, Chris officially joined Rational Acoustics as a full time employee in March 2012 as our Smaart Applications Support Specialist (we’ll leave the acronym for you to figure out). His current roles also include Product Management and Smaart Instructor.

A lifelong audio guy, Chris holds a BA in Music Production & Technology from the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford.  He also works as a freelance sound engineer throughout New England, spending most summer weekends working the stages at regional fairs and music festivals. Before settling down and deciding to get a day-job, Chris spent his post-college years touring throughout the US and Canada as the lead guitar player for the Portland, OR based melodic hardcore band, It Prevails.  He’s a phenomenal guitarist… and we don’t just say that ’cause he works with us.  We’d go see him even if we didn’t have to.

Chris would like the world to know that RoboCop, Total Recall, and Starship Troopers are the best films by Paul Verheoven, and possibly ever.