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Dampsaga kurs vel overstått

Da var 3 dagers Smaart operator kurset vel overstått. I disse vanskelige tider er det viktig, kanskje enda viktigere enn ellers, å bruke tiden fornuftig og jobbe med å øke bedriftsintern kompetanse.

Jeg ble kontaktet av Terje Watterud som fortalte meg om ønsket hans om å gjennomføre et Smaart kurs. Vi ble fort enige, og Terje fikk stor hjelp fra Dampsaga kulturhus som tilbød oss å bruke deres store sal for arrangementet.

Så i løpet av 2 uker fikk vi samlet 5 interesserte lydteknikere som kom på kurset. Det var en meget hyggelig gjeng og vi hadde det veldig bra sammen. Etter første “tunge” dag med mye teori hadde vi to dager med massiv lyd-nerding på høyt nivå.

Jeg ville herved igjen takker alle deltagere, Terje for å organisere kurset og sparke prosessen i gang, og selvfølgelig takke masse til Dampsaga Kulturhus for hyggelig vertskap.

Vanligvis holdes kurset på Engelsk, men siden alle deltagere var norske denne gangen kunne kurset holdes på norsk. Tilbakemeldingene jeg har fått er at det gikk veldig bra.

Gjerne ta kontakt skulle du ønske å organisere Smaart kurs hos ditt firma, kulturhus eller teater. – +47 971 23 033

Martin Stifjeld, Bjørn-Ove Bergsmo, Halvor Dahl, Steffen Solberg, Terje Watterud & Thomas Züllich
Nerds on stage
The Rational Acoustics Scandinavia mobile at the stage door

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SMAART kommer nordover. Kurs på Stormen, Bodø i Oktober.

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3-day Smaart Operator class – 06/10/2020 – 08/10/2020

1-day Smaart application practicums – 06/10/2020 – 08/10/2020

For å bestille Smaart Application Practicums må du ha deltatt på et Smaart Operator Fundamentals-kurs tidligere. Studenter som ønsker å delta på et Practicum-kurs, men som ikke oppfyller denne forutsetningen, må få godkjenning av instruktøren.

Kurset vil selvfølgelig bli arrangert i henhold til FHI regler og forskrifter .

Hver deltaker vil motta sertifisering og dokumentasjon for å søke om statlig støtte til bedriftsintern opplæring (BIO).

Se hele kursprogrammet her – click

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Steinkjer Smaart operator class announced

Takket fantastiske innsats fra Terje Watterud fra SCENEMANN AS og de snille menneskene ved Dampsaga Kulturhaus i Steinkjer gjorde det mulig å arrangere en 3-dagers Smaart-operatørklasse denne uken.

Les mer om kurset og book “NÅ” – beklager for kort varsel, men ting skjer ekstremt raskt noen ganger.

Kurset vil selvfølgelig bli arrangert i henhold til FHI regler og forskrifter .

Hver deltaker vil motta sertifisering og dokumentasjon for å søke om statlig støtte til bedriftsintern opplæring (BIO).

Se hele kursprogrammet her – click

The fantastic help of Terje Watterud of SCENEMANN AS and the kind people at the Dampsaga Kulturhaus in Steinkjer made it possible to arrange a 3-day Smaart operator class this week.

Read more about the even and book you apace “NOW” – sorry for the short notice, but things happen extremely quick sometimes.

Every participant will receive a certification and proper paperwork to apply for governmental support for educational events.

The event will of course be arranged respecting the rules and regulations set by the FHI.

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Rational Acoustics has introduced an online certification

Rational Acoustics has introduced an online certification for those looking for confirmation not only that they’ve been to a class or read the manual, but that they can competently operate the software and understand the results. 

Successful candidates will additionally join the Smaart Operators Network, providing them with a listing on the Rational Acoustics global website.

This of course does not guarantee that someone is a talented engineer, but it does demonstrate a baseline knowledge of electroacoustics and system measurement. 

The certification relates specifically to v8 – although core principles are consistent between versions, some questions are v8-specific.

There is a small charge for the test ($24.99), which is payable per test or retest in the event of failure. This reflects the costs involved in using a professional, paid test platform as well as the extensive time dedicated to the creation of educational materials and the test itself.

If you have attended an on-site Smaart v8 training in the past, you are entitled to one test free of charge. A voucher is available from for this purpose.

A final note – even for seasoned users, the test is not a walk in the park! It’s an open book exam, with the goal of encouraging users to research answers they are unsure of to help them to fill in any flaky areas of knowledge.

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Rational Acoustics Scandinavia operation during corona outbreak – march 24. 2020

Dear friends,

In consideration of the latest information regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, Rational Acoustics Scandinavia has taken the following steps to ensure the health and safety of our employees and customers, and the greater community as a whole.


As this is a one person office, working from home has always been the standard, so I will still be available via mobile phone, skype, facetime and email.


Due to the risks associated with travel and close-contact group events, we have made the decision to prospone all upcoming in-person Smaart Training Classes through the end of June 2020. 

All registered class attendees will be contacted directly with information about receiving a refund or transferring to another class later in the year.

A list of all currently scheduled classes can be found on


Smaart License Code orders from the Rational Acoustics online store (  will continue to be delivered via email as normal.


iSEMcon microphones & 10EaZy systems are available through our dealer network. –

We all will continue to monitor the Covid-19 situation and make adjustments to our operations as necessary to ensure minimal impact for our customers.  We are acutely aware of the enormous impact this pandemic has had on the professional audio and live events industry and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

I wish everyone health, safety and peace during these strange and uncertain times. 

Yours most sincerely,

Thomas Züllich

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Smaart Intro Workshop tour 2020

These events had to be cancelled in light of the Corona virus situation.

In March 2020 we will conduct a few Smaart Intro Workshops at our new dealers in Scandinavia. These events are geared towards all professionals interested in Smaart v8, Smaart SPL or 10EaZy.

This 4 hour Workshop will give you a good insight in what Smaart is used for and when and why you should measure your sound systems with it.

There will be a focus on SPL measurements and logging, which is a very interesting and very important topic for all using sound systems in live shows.
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Report – Smaart class in Harnösand

Härnösand is a town in Västernorrland County, Sweden with 17,556 inhabitants in 2010. It is called “the gate to the High Coast” because of the world heritage landscape just a few miles north of Härnösand. That is Wikipedia-lingo for “pretty remote”.

Last week Harnösand attracted many sound engineers from Sweden and abroad. In total it were 12 participants attending the class. Tarek even came all the way from Amman, Jordan.

Continue reading Report – Smaart class in Harnösand
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Kristiansand, Kilden – Smaart Operator Fundamentals & Application Practicums – August 2020

3-Day Smaart Operator Fundamentals, Kilden on August 18. to 20.

More information and booking – click here

1-Day Smaart Application Practicums, Kilden on August 21.

More information and booking – click here

Kilden Teater- og Konserthus
Sjølystveien 2

related article:

Smaart class at Kilden Concert house Kristiansand, August 2019

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3-Day Smaart Operator Fundamentals Harnösands Teater

Do not miss this chance to participate in the Smaart class in northern Scandinavia. 

Härnösands Teater stora scenen
Storgatan 9
87129 Harnösand

Dates: February 11th – 13th 2020

Instructor: Thomas Züllich

The course is open to all interested persons – no prior measurement / system alignment experience required. However, this course does assume a working knowledge of professional sound system engineering practices and basic audio fundamentals.

Please bring a laptop with Smaart v8 (demo or licensed) and a sound-card with minimum 2 channels. You can download a demo version of Smaart v8

Discounts on Smaart licenses (both new and upgrades) are available for class attendees.  New License of Smaart v8 – $100 discount* – New License of Smaart Di v2 – $50 discount* – Upgrade to Smaart v8 or Smaart Di v2 from previous version of Smaart (back to Smaart v5) – $50 discount*

Please note that the license discounts outlined above are for classes hosted and instructed by Rational Acoustics Scandinavia

To avoid disappointment, please book us as soon as possible. We will reply promptly to confirm. Your booking is to be confirmed by a 100% deposit. Accommodation is not included in the price. Basic refreshments are included.

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Smaart class at Kilden Concert house Kristiansand, August 2019

14 sound engineers from all over Norway, Great Britain and Ireland came to the amazing Kilden concert house in the lovely town Kristiansand on the south coast of Norway.

Kristiansand historically spelled Christianssand and Christiansand, is a city and municipality in Norway. It is the fifth largest city in Norway and the municipality is the sixth largest in Norway, with a population of about 90.000.

Tourism is important in Kristiansand, and the summer season is the most popular for tourists. Kristiansand Zoo and Amusement park is the largest zoo in Norway. It receives over 900,000 visitors every year. Markens Street is the main pedestrian street in downtown Kristiansand. Bystranda is a city beach located in Kvadraturen; in addition, Hamresanden beach is the longest beach in Kristiansand. Hamresanden Camping is a popular family camp during the summer season. The city hosts a free concert in downtown Kristiansand once every week in the summer. Outside the city is the industry park Sørlandsparken, which has Sørlandssenteret, the largest mall in Norway.

Rational Acoustics Scandinavia Smaart Class at Kilden conterhouse – group photo in the amazing lobby of the concert house. Simen Hefte, Eivind Kiledal, Rune Bjorøy, Ruben Lærvåg, Cecilie Graven Engseth, Jean Maroun, Rune Sundby, Jonathan Black, Julian Harding, Jesper Krabbe, Ole Jørgen Løvås, Ruben Gabrielsen, Øystein Bredesen and Thomas Züllich

The Venue is perfect and the support from the Kilden staff absolutely top notch. The group was amazing too. It felt like many became friends during these days on the “school bench”. That is, besides talking sound all day (and evenings in the pub) the part I like the most.

Smaart serves as a platform, based on which the engineers can have fact based discussions, without blurring the communication with “opinion and believe”. The creates a very nice atmosphere.

I love teaching Smaart and sound system design.

Thomas Züllich

Check out our class schedule and make sure to book a place early enough. –