The latest addition to the dual-channel Smaart “Di” platform – Smaart Di v2 – will be released on January 24th, 2017. Smaart Di v2 takes the simplified, streamlined two-channel interface from Smaart v7 Di and modernizes it with many of the features and enhancements developed for Rational Acoustics’ flagship multi-channel Smaart v8 program.
Smaart Di v2 is now the most nimble and quickly adaptable measurement environment for Smaart, with all critical configuration and control parameters accessible from a single intuitive UI (user interface). Smaart Di v2 is perfect for quick and precise measurements without the demands of the standard version’s multi-measurement, multi-mode, and multi-window complexity.
Smaart Di’s Spectrum and Transfer Function engines have all the same power and capabilities as those in the multi-channel version. However, in the spirit of simplicity, Di does not include a separate Impulse Response (IR) Mode. Instead, all time domain measurement capabilities in Di reside in the Live IR display of the TF measurement.
In order to maintain easy portability and interoperability between versions, both versions of Smaart use the same RTA and Transfer Function data formats. Moreover, v8 and Di v2 share the same base control and command structure (view controls, zooms, hot-keys, data capture commands, etc.), so moving back and forth between versions does not require learning a whole new control and command paradigm.
- Complete Re-Work of Data Handling
Di v2’s data handling has been overhauled to reflect the new Session Folder and Graph Legend organizational structure this is found in Smaart v8.
- The Session Folder greatly improves day-to-day/gig-to-gig data management. Pinned to the top of the data bar, the Session Folder serves as the target location for all new captured data. Automatically named with the current date when created, the Session Folder may be re-named or swapped out at any time.
- In-Plot Graph Legends for allow for quick management of the traces in a plot. Accessed via the Z-Order drop down arrow in the upper right corner of a plot, the new graph legends allow you to quickly re-order or hide live and stored traces, as well as efficiently bypass and re-enable any applied dB offsets.
- The improved Data Bar offers far more intuitive handling of captured traces than the previous version of Di. Keep all your data organized and at your fingertips with nested folders and added options such as “New Folder from Selected”, and the quick average of many selected traces of the same type via right select >”Average”.
- Client Window (Di-Di) The integrated API allows any networked copy of Di v2 to act as a host to any other copy of Smaart Di v2. This feature makes the need for a third-party remote viewer application a non-issue, and allows one computer to act as a Client to remotely access and control measurements and measurement data from a central host computer.
- Built-in Program updater. When connected to the internet, you may ‘Check for Updates’ from the File menu to ping the Rational server for available downloads.
Users of Smaart Di v2 will now benefit from the Centralized Program Configurator, similar to Smaart v8’s Configurator.
- Audio Device Options and Audio Device Settings live in a single I-O Config tab of the Configurator. This allows assigning friendly names, choosing input device(s) or quickly checking input status for any incoming signals from a single, streamlined, location.
- The Measurement Config dialog is the second tab in the new program configurator, remaining a central location to manage and configure measurement pairs
- Stand-Alone Broadband Meters based on the in-plot Sound Level Meter configuration, the stand-alone Broadband/SPL meters allows for increased flexibility and readability of any single, or pair, of input signals.
- Di v2 offers a new Command Bar optimized with new, user editable, default selections chosen specifically for Smaart Di v2. The Command Bar offers large, touch-friendly buttons that can be used to call and of Smaart’s keyboard-based, Hot-key commands.

- Hide/Show all Program Control Bars just as in Smaart v8, Di v2 users now gain the ability to fully customize interface layout by choosing to show or hide the Control Bar, Command Bar and Data Bar – as well as optionally showing the in-plot broadband meter within the Control bar.
- Under the Hood Performance Improvements As with all new versions of Smaart, we have made many “under-the-hood” improvements to the Smaart code base and development environment. While not particularly sexy, these updates bring with them better performance on the latest operating systems, improved stability and security as well as native support for High Definition displays (which is actually pretty sexy. admit it….).
Smaart v8 or Smaart Di?
By design, the data structure and much of the command and control paradigms are the same between both versions of Smaart. The underlying measurement code is the same. That said, there are three functional needs that would prohibit the use of Di;
- If you need to monitor SPL/Leq or control more than 2 input signals at a time. Smaart Di only supports input monitoring and control for 2 inputs at a time.
- If you need to make multiple simultaneous Transfer Function measurements; in other words, if you need to be able to view two live TF engines at the same time, or live averages of those Transfer Function measurements. Smaart DI only has the ability to measure one Transfer Function at a time.
- If you need to make advanced acoustic measurements, examine reverb times and structure, need to calculate specific intelligibility criterion (like STI, Clarity, T60, etc), then you need Smaart v8. Those capabilities reside in Smaart v8’s Impulse Response Mode, and are wholly omitted from Smaart Di.
CLICK HERE For Smaart v8 vs Smaart Di v2 Comparison Chart
- Minimum Suggested Computer System Requirements
- Windows
Operating System: Windows 7 or newer (32 & 64 bit)
CPU: 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel i5 Processor or faster
RAM: 2 GB or greater
Graphics: Intel HD 4000 or better, or 256 MB dedicated video RAM
Display: Min. 1024×600 pixel display
Sound: Audio Hardware with OS compatible ASIO, Wav/WDM drivers.
- Mac
Operating System: Mac OSX 10.7 (32 + 64 bit) or newer
CPU: 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel i5 or faster
RAM: 2 GB or greater
Graphics: Intel HD4000 or better, or 256 MB dedicated video RAM.
Sound Hardware: Audio Hardware with compatible Core Audio device drivers.
Smaart Di v2 Pricing
Beginning on January 24th, 2017, Smaart Di v2 can be purchased via the Rational Acoustics Online Store or through authorized Rational Acoustics Dealers & Distributors.
Smaart Di v2 New License Pricing
New License US Retail. Electronic Delivery – $595
New License US Retail. Hard Copy CD Package – $620 (plus shipping)
Smaart Di v2 New License Additional-Install – $250 each
(purchase of additional installs on a new Smaart Di v2 license)
Smaart Di v2 Upgrade Pricing
v.7 Di to Di v2 Introductory Special – $99 (valid January 24 – April 24, 2017)
v7 Di to Di v2 – $199 (After April 24th, 2017)
v.6 to Di v2 – $300
v.5 to Di v2 – $400
** Smaart v4 is no longer eligible for upgrade pricing.
Smaart Di v2 Grace Period Upgrades
End users who purchased a license of Smaart v.7 Di between October 23, 2016 – January 23, 2017 qualified for a FREE upgrade to Smaart Di v2. This offer applies to Smaart v.7 Di new license purchases and upgrades only.
If you purchased Smaart v7 Di during the grace-period and have your Smaart v7 Di license registered to an account at my.rationalacoustics.com by January 15th, 2016, a Smaart Di v2 license will be automatically added to your account and a notification will be sent to the email address on file for your account.
If you purchased Smaart v.7 Di during the grace-period but do not have your license registered to an account by January 15th, you will need to contact support@rationalacoustics.com to claim your free Smaart Di v2 license. You may be asked to provide proof of purchase to determine eligibility.