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Seasons greeting to all!

A very interesting year, was it a good one for you?

This year has been filled with some great and some very strange events. From the Rio Olympics to Brexit, and the American Election you can’t say this year hasn’t been eventful!

For rational acoustics it was a very exciting year. Smaart v8, the most powerful, flexible and adaptable version of Smaart to date, was released on March 15th, 2016. The new product was phenomenally well received by the marked.

The distribution and customer support in Scandinavia was revamped with a totally new concept run by long time friend and supporter Thomas Züllich. The Scandinavian Smaart Partner Program started in fall this year.

Stay tuned and follow for upcoming classes and workshops. There´s lot´s of activity in the pipeline.

We wish you a pleasant a peaceful holiday season.

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Smaart v8 user manual available

The printed version of the Smaart v8 User Guide is now available!

The User Guide can be purchased via (see link below).

It is priced at $35.99 and is Amazon Prime eligible. The printed version is current through v8.1 so it covers all of the new features that were added in the 8.1 release back in November.

The digital version of the v8 User Manual is always available for free via the support section of –

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Smaart workshop i dejlige Vejle


Så er der Smaart workshop i dejlige Vejle. Workshoppen afholdes i Vejle Musikteater med Thomas Züllich som foreleser.

Tilmelding skal ske via mail: Der er 16 ledige pladser. Yderligere informationer, vil blive fremsendt på mail, til de interesserede 🙂 Workshoppen koster 995 + moms pr. person.

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Smaart workshop i det nordjyske


Så er der Smaart workshop i det nordjyske. Workshoppen afholdes i Arena Nord med Thomas Züllich som instructor.

Tilmelding skal ske via mail:

Der er 16 ledige pladser. Yderligere informationer, vil blive fremsendt på mail, til de interesserede 🙂

Workshoppen koster 995 + moms pr. person.


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Announcing the 2016 SMAART Holiday Sale


From December 1st through December, 31st we will be offering 10% off of EVERYTHING in the Rational Acoustics Online Store.

If it’s in the store… it’s on sale. This means all Smaart v8 and Smaart v.7 Di license codes or packages (both new licenses and upgrades) and you can even combine it with a discount voucher you can obtain at our Scandinavian partners listed below (double discount anyone?)

  • All orders must  be placed online via our Store
  • Discounts will be automatically applied to your order upon checkout.
  • Please contact your local SmaartPartner for a voucher code to get another 100 USD discount on a new license or 50 USD discount for an upgrade.

If creating or expanding your measurement rig is on your list for the holidays, be sure to take advantage of these savings and stock up before time runs out.

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Smaart v8.1 Released


v8.1 is the first major version update to the Smaart v.8 measurement platform. An overview of the new features in the 8.1 release is included below. This is a major version update with significant feature additions and interface modifications and is recommended for all Smaart v.8 users.

Primary Feature Additions

  • Complete Re-Work of Data Handling

A hybrid of the best data handling features from v7 and v8.0, v8.1 offers an intuitive, enhanced set of controls and functions for managing your Smaart data.

-Introducing the Session Folder for improved day-to-day/gig-to-gig data management. Pinned to the top of the data bar, the new Session Folder serves as the target location for all new captured data. Automatically named with the current date when created, the Session Folder may be re-named or swapped out at any time.

-Trace hide/show controls return to the measurement engines and Data Bar. A la v.7, hide/show control can be accessed directly by clicking on the icons in the data bar and engine controls.

-In-Plot Graph Legends for quick management of the traces in a plot. Accessed via the Z-Order drop down arrow in the upper right corner of a plot, the new graph legends allow you to quickly re-order or hide traces, move them between plots, or view, bypass and re-enable any applied dB offsets.

-Improved Global Program Data Bar for more intuitive handling of captured traces. Keep all your data organized and at your fingertips with nested folders and added options such as “New Folder from Selected”, and the quick average of many selected traces of the same type via right select>”Average”.

  • Multi-Spectrum Plot View shows all running spectrum engines in their own plot, with an additional Full-Screen Plot-in-Focus hotkey accessible via the View menu, or their respective Hot Keys.
  • Built-in Program updater. When connected to the internet, you may ‘Check for Updates’ from the File menu to ping the Rational server for available downloads.
  • “Create Meters” Button Added to IO-Config for automatic Broadband Meter configuration based on selected inputs for an input device.
  • New API Options tab with API password protection, as well as IP/Hostname info.
  • Added Tab Run-State Option where measurement engines may be set to continue their run status in the background when switching between tabs.

A complete list of the 20+ new and improved features in Smaart v8.1 (including bug fixes), as well as a new version of the Smaart v8 User Manual, updated for v8.1, can be found in the v8 Support section.  Also, a full Revision History including new features and bug fixes, detailed function descriptions, and a full listing of all accelerator (hot) keys is included in Smaart’s Help files.


  • Log in to your license management account at
  • Click on the “Downloads” tab in the top menu
  • Download the v8.1 installer for your specific operating system and run it.
  • DO NOT deactivate Smaart to install the v8.1 update.  Simply download the installer and run it.

Read the full article on the mothership page →

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Benum announced Scandinavian Smaart Partner Norway

The Scandinavian Smaart Partner Program has been developed to help provide local training and product support to Smaart customers throughout via a network of Smaart Partner companies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland.

We are happy to announce that Benum has signed up for the program and will help making sense of the noise.

They can be reached at:

Kenneth Vadset
+47 970 55 930