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Stonehouse announced Scandinavian Smaart Partner Sweden

The Scandinavian Smaart Partner Program has been developed to help provide local training and product support to Smaart customers throughout via a network of Smaart Partner companies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland.

We are happy to announce that Stonehouse has signed up for the program and will help making sense of the noise.

They can be reached at:

Anders Molund
+46 70 6080530

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Smaart v8

Smaart v8

Smaart v8 is the most powerful, flexible and adaptable version of Smaart to date. From studio to stadium, shop to show, Smaart v8 fits the needs of any measurement situation.

Smaart v8 Main Window

Smaart v8 Main Window Dark

With Smaart v8, we are breaking out of the single window, fixed GUI world to allow increased control over your software environment, allowing you to adapt and expand Smaart to better match your specific applications.

Smaart v8 offers new ways to manage your data and your measurement environment, new multi-window capability, a new tab-based interface, added functionality for use on tablets and touch screen computers, computer-to-computer API capability and much, much more.

Easier, More Intuitive Measurement Configuration
The measurement configuration process has been updated to provide an easier, more intuitive workflow – adding automatic measurement creation and management functionality to streamline configuration and support a “build-on-the-fly” process that is often an operational necessity.  Specifically:

  • New program workflow takes you through device selection/configuration and automatically creates Spectrum measurements
  • Device and measurement configuration is managed through a single window
  • Input metering right in the I-O Config, check your inputs before you even create  measurements
  • Creating a Transfer Function measurement now automatically creates the accompanying Spectrum contributors to it.
  • Measurement creation on-the-fly from the main interface

Tab-Based Interface

Many users expressed a desire for a tab-based interface where one could configure and switch between multiple workspaces, so we have expanded the basic “measurement group” paradigm from v7 and now organize our configurations into tabs which include not only the configured measurements, but also the layout and plot view as well.

Multi-Window Capability

We have added the ability to drive multiple windows, each containing its own set of tabbed workspaces.  It is like being able to run multiple sessions of Smaart simultaneously.

Hide/Show Interface Controls

We heard from many users that they really liked the hide/show data bar feature available in Smaart v.7 Di because it gave them the ability to maximize the plot area, especially during show time.  So we took that concept a step further in v8 and applied it to all interface control elements

Command Bar

Command Bar
The increased use of Smaart on tablet/touch screen computers complicated using Hot-Key commands. To address this, we added a command menu and a user-configurable command bar of large, touch-friendly buttons that can be used to call any of Smaart’s keyboard-based, Hot-key commands.

Improved Data Storage & APL
For static data, we have overhauled the trace storage process to allow for better direct access to your larger file structure of captured traces, without cluttering up active memory space trying to keep everything loaded in RAM in case you need it.

The new Active Plot Legend, or APL,  window details the contents of the active/selected plot, showing the names, colors and trace offsets of Live and static data traces – as well as providing  the controls for hiding/showing the traces.

Broadband Metering

A long-time user requested feature is the ability to continuously view input signal levels, as well as monitor parameters such as SPL and LEQ for multiple inputs simultaneously. For this we created the Broadband Meters window. This mode-less window can be configured to monitor any of Smaart’s input signals via a simple grid configuration process.

Integrated Smaart I-O Control
Control for the Smaart I-O gain and phantom power are now integrated directly into the Smaart v8 interface.

Smaart-to-Smaart API
Smaart’s integrated API allows any copy of Smaart v8 to act as a host to any other copy of Smaart v8, meaning you can create a rig with one computer acquiring the input signals and performing the measurement computations, while another acts as a client and remotely accesses the measurement data.  This capability then allows your v8 measurement environment to be spread, not just across multiple monitors, but across multiple computers.

Under the Hood Performance Improvements
As with all new versions of Smaart, we have made many “under-the-hood” improvements to the Smaart code base and development environment.  While not particularly sexy, these updates bring with them better performance on the latest operating systems, improved stability and security and native support for High Definition displays (which is actually pretty sexy… admit it).

Minimum Suggested Computer System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 7 or newer (32 & 64 bit)
CPU: 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel i5 Processor or faster
RAM: 2 GB or greater
Graphics: Intel HD 4000 or better, or 256 MB dedicated video RAM
Display: Min. 1024×600 pixel display
Sound: Audio Hardware with OS compatible ASIO, Wav/WDM drivers.
Operating System: Mac OSX 10.7 (32 + 64 bit) or newer
CPU: 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel i5 or faster
RAM: 2 GB or greater
Graphics: Intel HD4000 or better, or 256 MB dedicated video RAM.
Sound Hardware: Audio Hardware with compatible Core Audio device drivers.

 to Purchase Smaart v8
CLICK HERE for Smaart v8 Pricing Information
CLICK HERE for the Smaart v8 FAQ

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Smaart v8 has arrived

After yearlong development effort that has reduced our programmer’s fingers to bloody stumps, we are very pleased to announce that Smaart v8 will be released on Tuesday, March 15th.


Smaart v8 is the most powerful, flexible and adaptable version of Smaart to date. From studio to stadium, shop to show, Smaart v8 fits the needs of any measurement situation.

Smaart v8 Main Window

Smaart v8 Main Window Dark

With Smaart v8, we are breaking out of the single window, fixed GUI world to allow increased control over your software environment, allowing you to adapt and expand Smaart to better match your specific applications.

Smaart v8 offers new ways to manage your data and your measurement environment, new multi-window capability, a new tab-based interface, added functionality for use on tablets and touch screen computers, computer-to-computer API capability and much, much more.

Easier, More Intuitive Measurement Configuration
The measurement configuration process has been updated to provide an easier, more intuitive workflow – adding automatic measurement creation and management functionality to streamline configuration and support a “build-on-the-fly” process that is often an operational necessity.  Specifically:

  • New program workflow takes you through device selection/configuration and automatically creates Spectrum measurements
  • Device and measurement configuration is managed through a single window
  • Input metering right in the I-O Config, check your inputs before you even create  measurements
  • Creating a Transfer Function measurement now automatically creates the accompanying Spectrum contributors to it.
  • Measurement creation on-the-fly from the main interface

Tab-Based Interface

Many users expressed a desire for a tab-based interface where one could configure and switch between multiple workspaces, so we have expanded the basic “measurement group” paradigm from v7 and now organize our configurations into tabs which include not only the configured measurements, but also the layout and plot view as well.

Multi-Window Capability

We have added the ability to drive multiple windows, each containing its own set of tabbed workspaces.  It is like being able to run multiple sessions of Smaart simultaneously.

Hide/Show Interface Controls

We heard from many users that they really liked the hide/show data bar feature available in Smaart v.7 Di because it gave them the ability to maximize the plot area, especially during show time.  So we took that concept a step further in v8 and applied it to all interface control elements

Command Bar

Command Bar
The increased use of Smaart on tablet/touch screen computers complicated using Hot-Key commands. To address this, we added a command menu and a user-configurable command bar of large, touch-friendly buttons that can be used to call any of Smaart’s keyboard-based, Hot-key commands.

Improved Data Storage & APL
For static data, we have overhauled the trace storage process to allow for better direct access to your larger file structure of captured traces, without cluttering up active memory space trying to keep everything loaded in RAM in case you need it.

The new Active Plot Legend, or APL,  window details the contents of the active/selected plot, showing the names, colors and trace offsets of Live and static data traces – as well as providing  the controls for hiding/showing the traces.

Broadband Metering

A long-time user requested feature is the ability to continuously view input signal levels, as well as monitor parameters such as SPL and LEQ for multiple inputs simultaneously. For this we created the Broadband Meters window. This mode-less window can be configured to monitor any of Smaart’s input signals via a simple grid configuration process.

Integrated Smaart I-O Control
Control for the Smaart I-O gain and phantom power are now integrated directly into the Smaart v8 interface.

Smaart-to-Smaart API
Smaart’s integrated API allows any copy of Smaart v8 to act as a host to any other copy of Smaart v8, meaning you can create a rig with one computer acquiring the input signals and performing the measurement computations, while another acts as a client and remotely accesses the measurement data.  This capability then allows your v8 measurement environment to be spread, not just across multiple monitors, but across multiple computers.

Under the Hood Performance Improvements

As with all new versions of Smaart, we have made many “under-the-hood” improvements to the Smaart code base and development environment.  While not particularly sexy, these updates bring with them better performance on the latest operating systems, improved stability and security and native support for High Definition displays (which is actually pretty sexy… admit it).

Minimum Suggested Computer System Requirements


Operating System: Windows 7 or newer (32 & 64 bit)
CPU: 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel i5 Processor or faster
RAM: 2 GB or greater
Graphics: Intel HD 4000 or better, or 256 MB dedicated video RAM
Display: Min. 1024×600 pixel display
Sound: Audio Hardware with OS compatible ASIO, Wav/WDM drivers.


Operating System: Mac OSX 10.7 (32 + 64 bit) or newer
CPU: 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel i5 or faster
RAM: 2 GB or greater
Graphics: Intel HD4000 or better, or 256 MB dedicated video RAM.
Sound Hardware: Audio Hardware with compatible Core Audio device drivers.

CLICK HERE to Purchase Smaart v8
CLICK HERE for Smaart v8 Pricing Information
CLICK HERE for the Smaart v8 FAQ

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Elizabeth Paglione

Elizabeth PaglioneLicensing Lass 

Phone: +1 860-928-7828

Liz joined the Rational Acoustics team just in time for the release of Smaart v8. Although she is new to the audio industry, Liz’s background in computer technology makes her a perfect fit. CompTIA certified and a veteran to the sneaky Windows 10 Automatic Upgrades, Liz has the toolset to help form the bridge between the audio world and the real world, getting past all that crazy computer stuff. Riding along as the Technical Support Crush Apprentice, Liz accumulated a wide variety of skills to help make sure Smaart is behaving whenever you start it up. With “Error 523” as her middle name, if you run into any trouble with licensing your Smaart software, Liz will be the person that gets you up and running again.

She is also highly capable with a soldering iron, and her knack for repairing electronic components has saved quite a few pieces of equipment around the office from the waste bin.

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Thomas Züllich – Scandinavian distributor for Rational Acoustics

Thomas Züllich

Thomas is the Scandinavian distributor for Rational Acoustics products and has been an active Smaart user and supporter for over 10 years.

Thomas will oversee all aspects of the Scandinavian Smaart educational program  and help  our customers up to date on the latest news and product information for Smaart. He´ll be conducting Smaart workshops  facilities throughout the territory.

Thomas will also be managing a Smaart Scandinavia website and Facebook page & group.

For further details please feel free to contact Thomas at or via phone +47 97123033