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Stormen smaart kurs vel overstått

Fra Tirsdag 6. Oktober til Torsdag 8. Oktober gjennomføres det SMAART OPERATOR kurs på Stormen Konserthus i Bodø. Foreleseren var Thomas Züllich. Kurset ble holdt på Norsk.

Det var mye “action” alle dager og “elevene” fikk en god innblikk i funksjon av SMAART.

Fredag var det en dag med “aplication practicum” der et helt lydanlegg ble innjustert fra bunn av.

Stor takk til alle som kom og. til Stormen Konserthus for hyggelig vertskap.

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News from HQ – September 2020

The Rational Report – September 2020
The latest news and info from the Smaart folks at Rational Acoustics 
More Smaart Labs and Panel Discussions  Additional Smaart Online Labs, Smaart Operator Fundamentals Live Online
and “Ask Me Anything” sessions have been added to the schedule.

 Smaart – “Ask Me Anything” 
Date: Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020
Time: 12:00- 2:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Instructors: Jamie Anderson, Chris Tsanjoures, Michael Lawrence
Cost: FREE
Whether you are a power user or just getting started, this is a great place to find answers to those nagging questions you’ve always been meaning to ask and to get tips on improving your skills as a Smaart operator.

Smaart Online Lab – System Alignment ReLePT (Level 2)
Date: Thursday, September 24th, 2020
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Instructor: Chris Tsanjoures
Cost: $100
Smaart is a powerful tool in the alignment and optimization of sound systems.  This lab steps through the alignment process and Rational Acoustics’ “ReLePT” methodology (Response, Level, Polarity, Time) for navigating that process.

Smaart Online Lab – Live Sound System Alignment Panel Discussion (Level 2)
Date: Friday, September 25th, 2020
Time: 12:00 – 2:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Instructor: Jamie Anderson with special guests Tom Lyon, Kevin Madigan, Ville Kauhanen and Tyler Walters.
Cost: $100
Many Smaart users share commonalities in how they align systems, but their individual approaches can be unique and have evolved from their own specific experiences and the types of systems they are aligning.  This session explores the alignment process and features a panel of guest live sound system engineers discussing their individual workflows and providing insights into their methods for system alignment within different applications. REGISTER NOW

Smaart Online Lab – Installed Sound System Alignment Panel Discussion (Level 2)
Date: Friday, Oct 2nd, 2020
Time: 12:00 – 2:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Instructor: Jamie Anderson with special guests James Woods, Arthur Skudra, Andy Potvin, Dustin Hudson & Jeremy Rynders.
Cost: $100
The goals for aligning a system for a rock show can be vastly different than for a cinema or airport.  This session explores the alignment process and features a panel of guest system engineers who specialize in installed sound, discussing their individual workflows and providing insights into their methods for system alignment within different applications. REGISTER NOW
Smaart Online Lab – System Alignment ReLePT (Level 2)
Date: Thursday, October 15th, 2020
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Instructor: Chris Tsanjoures
Cost: $100
Smaart is a powerful tool in the alignment and optimization of sound systems.  This lab steps through the alignment process and Rational Acoustics’ “ReLePT” methodology (Response, Level, Polarity, Time) for navigating that process.

Smaart Operator Fundamentals Live Online (Level 1)
Date: Monday, October 19 – Friday, October 23, 2020
Time: Live Instruction Sessions October 19, 21 & 23 from 2-4 PM (Eastern Time)
Instructors:  Jamie Anderson, Chris Tsanjoures, Michael Lawrence
Cost: $300
This series of online sessions offers an alternative, remote-learning approach to covering the Smaart Operator Fundamentals course curriculum.  Part self-paced learning, part guided instruction, this course is designed to supplement, and enhance the information provided in the free Smaart Operator Fundamentals Online webinar series.  Discounts on Smaart software are available to class attendees.
 NOTE:  For Level 2 Sessions, attendees must have completed a Smaart Operator Fundamentals class (or watched the Smaart Operator Fundamentals Online YouTube webinars) and successfully passed Level 1 Certification prior to attending.  Level 1 sessions do not have a prerequisite and are open to all interested attendees. 
International Smaart Training Classes

 Our international Distributors and Smaart Instructors are offering Smaart training in both online and in-person formats, depending on the covid-19 situation in their specific regions.  Following is a list of currently available sessions. 

Smaart Operator Fundamentals E-Class (France)
September 22- 24, 2020 – Smaart Operator Fudamentals
September 25, 2020 – optional IR / Advanced Topics seminar
Class Organizer: Haliotis 
Instructor:  Franck Voiffray
Class Type:  Online
Registration:  CLICK HERE
 Smaart Operator Fundamentals (Norway)
October 6-8, 2020
Bodo, Norway / Stormen Konserthus
Class Organizer: Rational Acoustics Scandinavia
Instructor:  Thomas Zullich
Class Type: In-Person
Registration:  CLICK HERE

Smaart Application Practicum (Norway)
October 9, 2020
Bodo, Norway / Stormen Konserthus
Class Organizer: Rational Acoustics Scandinavia
Instructor:  Thomas Zullich
Class Type: In-Person
Registration:  CLICK HERE
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Dampsaga kurs vel overstått

Da var 3 dagers Smaart operator kurset vel overstått. I disse vanskelige tider er det viktig, kanskje enda viktigere enn ellers, å bruke tiden fornuftig og jobbe med å øke bedriftsintern kompetanse.

Jeg ble kontaktet av Terje Watterud som fortalte meg om ønsket hans om å gjennomføre et Smaart kurs. Vi ble fort enige, og Terje fikk stor hjelp fra Dampsaga kulturhus som tilbød oss å bruke deres store sal for arrangementet.

Så i løpet av 2 uker fikk vi samlet 5 interesserte lydteknikere som kom på kurset. Det var en meget hyggelig gjeng og vi hadde det veldig bra sammen. Etter første “tunge” dag med mye teori hadde vi to dager med massiv lyd-nerding på høyt nivå.

Jeg ville herved igjen takker alle deltagere, Terje for å organisere kurset og sparke prosessen i gang, og selvfølgelig takke masse til Dampsaga Kulturhus for hyggelig vertskap.

Vanligvis holdes kurset på Engelsk, men siden alle deltagere var norske denne gangen kunne kurset holdes på norsk. Tilbakemeldingene jeg har fått er at det gikk veldig bra.

Gjerne ta kontakt skulle du ønske å organisere Smaart kurs hos ditt firma, kulturhus eller teater. – +47 971 23 033

Martin Stifjeld, Bjørn-Ove Bergsmo, Halvor Dahl, Steffen Solberg, Terje Watterud & Thomas Züllich
Nerds on stage
The Rational Acoustics Scandinavia mobile at the stage door

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SMAART kommer nordover. Kurs på Stormen, Bodø i Oktober.

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3-day Smaart Operator class – 06/10/2020 – 08/10/2020

1-day Smaart application practicums – 06/10/2020 – 08/10/2020

For å bestille Smaart Application Practicums må du ha deltatt på et Smaart Operator Fundamentals-kurs tidligere. Studenter som ønsker å delta på et Practicum-kurs, men som ikke oppfyller denne forutsetningen, må få godkjenning av instruktøren.

Kurset vil selvfølgelig bli arrangert i henhold til FHI regler og forskrifter .

Hver deltaker vil motta sertifisering og dokumentasjon for å søke om statlig støtte til bedriftsintern opplæring (BIO).

Se hele kursprogrammet her – click

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Steinkjer Smaart operator class announced

Takket fantastiske innsats fra Terje Watterud fra SCENEMANN AS og de snille menneskene ved Dampsaga Kulturhaus i Steinkjer gjorde det mulig å arrangere en 3-dagers Smaart-operatørklasse denne uken.

Les mer om kurset og book “NÅ” – beklager for kort varsel, men ting skjer ekstremt raskt noen ganger.

Kurset vil selvfølgelig bli arrangert i henhold til FHI regler og forskrifter .

Hver deltaker vil motta sertifisering og dokumentasjon for å søke om statlig støtte til bedriftsintern opplæring (BIO).

Se hele kursprogrammet her – click

The fantastic help of Terje Watterud of SCENEMANN AS and the kind people at the Dampsaga Kulturhaus in Steinkjer made it possible to arrange a 3-day Smaart operator class this week.

Read more about the even and book you apace “NOW” – sorry for the short notice, but things happen extremely quick sometimes.

Every participant will receive a certification and proper paperwork to apply for governmental support for educational events.

The event will of course be arranged respecting the rules and regulations set by the FHI.

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Rational Acoustics has introduced an online certification

Rational Acoustics has introduced an online certification for those looking for confirmation not only that they’ve been to a class or read the manual, but that they can competently operate the software and understand the results. 

Successful candidates will additionally join the Smaart Operators Network, providing them with a listing on the Rational Acoustics global website.

This of course does not guarantee that someone is a talented engineer, but it does demonstrate a baseline knowledge of electroacoustics and system measurement. 

The certification relates specifically to v8 – although core principles are consistent between versions, some questions are v8-specific.

There is a small charge for the test ($24.99), which is payable per test or retest in the event of failure. This reflects the costs involved in using a professional, paid test platform as well as the extensive time dedicated to the creation of educational materials and the test itself.

If you have attended an on-site Smaart v8 training in the past, you are entitled to one test free of charge. A voucher is available from for this purpose.

A final note – even for seasoned users, the test is not a walk in the park! It’s an open book exam, with the goal of encouraging users to research answers they are unsure of to help them to fill in any flaky areas of knowledge.