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Smaart v8.2 Update

Smaart v8.2 Update

The 2nd major version update for Smaart v8 has been released.  This update includes a complete overhaul of Smaart’s SPL measurement functionality  and integration with 10EaZy SPL Monitoring systems from SG Audio, aps.

The 8.2 release includes many significant feature additions, interface modifications and bug fixes.  This FREE update is recommended for all Smaart v8 users.  The most significant feature additions are outlined below.  For a complete release overview, including those pesky bug fixes, click HERE.

To update (if you are running Smaart 8.1 or newer and are connected to the internet) simply open Smaart and click File > Check for Updates.  Otherwise, you can download the v8.2 installer from within your license management account at

You DO NOT need to deactivate your existing installation to install the update.  If you do, you will most likely end up talking to the fine folks at Rational Tech Support.

 10EaZy Integration

Smaart 8.2 includes support for communicating with, and measuring through, 10EaZy SPL Monitoring System measurement hardware. During 8.2 installation, the 10EaZy hardware drivers are automatically installed on your computer, so you only need to plug in the 10EaZy hardware and launch Smaart to begin measuring. Previously, 10EaZy hardware could only be used in the Windows operating system, however drivers for both Windows and Mac OS X are included with Smaart. 10EaZy can be used for all single-channel measurements in Smaart. For more information about 10EaZy hardware, visit

Note: The 10EaZy/Smaart integration features are only available for 10EaZy Class 1, Class 2, and RT systems. The 10EaZy SW dongle is not supported.

Multiple Systems

Smaart can interface with multiple 10EaZy systems if they are all connected to the same computer via the onboard USB ports or a powered external USB hub. The 10EaZy Maximum Average Manager (MAM) implementation in Smaart can reference one 10EaZy microphone at a time. To monitor the SPL from multiple systems simultaneously, simply create a standard SPL Meter for each 10EaZy input.

Maximum Average Manager (MAM) with dedicated Leq meter

A dedicated Leq meter and Maximum Average Manager meter is provided for the 10EaZy microphone. When 10EaZy is connected, an additional settings group becomes available in the SPL Config (previously Meter Config) tab of the Configurator. The MAM is tied to the SPL Meters window, so you must show the SPL Meter windows (E hotkey) to see the MAM.

SPL Calculation Centralization

When an input is calibrated for SPL, and logging is enabled or an SPL meter is displayed, Smaart automatically begins calculating 14 sound level metrics for that input regardless of which meters are actually showing.

The 14 sound level metrics are:

  • dB FS
  • dB SPL Fast
  • dB A SPL Fast
  • dB C SPL Fast
  • dB SPL Slow
  • dB A SPL Slow
  • dB C SPL Slow
  • Leq1
  • LAeq1
  • LCeq1
  • LeqT (where T is a user-defined time period)
  • LAeqT
  • LCeqT
  • Peak C

This provides a way to easily log and monitor SPL/Leq without taking up screen real estate, and without the risk of resetting Leq buffers while reconfiguring SPL Meters.

Comprehensive SPL Log File

Each logged input has a dedicated, time-stamped log file containing all SPL metrics. Additional logged data includes Input Clips, Alarms, Leq Reset, and a dedicated 10EaZy Leq column if the logging device is 10EaZy. Notes can also be added to the log via the SPL History window, for storing additional information throughout the logging session.

When Smaart is closed, an informational header is written to the top of the log file containing various post-analysis results.

SPL History Window

The SPL History window is a standalone window that shows a graphical presentation of the log file generated from log-enabled inputs. Active log files (real time) or previously generated log files can be viewed in the SPL History plot. The SPL History window contains two plots where the top (primary) plot shows the full log file and is always displayed, and the secondary plot shows either the full log, or some portion of it designated by the zoom widgets in the primary plot.

The SPL History window can be accessed from the View Menu (View -> SPL History), the hotkey combo [Alt+H], or selecting SPL History from within the SPL Config tab of the Configurator. When SPL History is visible, it is listed in the Window menu along with other program windows.

Separate Input Meters and SPL Meters

Input Meters and SPL Meters are now independent standalone windows. Input Meters are automatically configured based on selected devices and inputs. Meter Config has been renamed to SPL Config and is dedicated to configuring SPL Meters. A horizontal orientation has been added to Input Meters, toggled using hotkey Alt + Shift + E or via the menu at View -> Input Meters -> Input Meter Orientation.

Polarity Invert

The polarity of an input can be inverted using the Ø button near the corresponding Input Meter. Engaging this setting inverts the polarity of the signal at the input level, effecting all measurements using that input in Smaart.

SPL Alarms and SPL Readout Colors

Two customizable SPL Alarms can be configured in the lower portion of SPL Config. When an alarm is active, the chosen calibrated input is monitored using the selected SPL metric and alarm level. If the level is exceeded, the border of the SPL Meters window flashes red and “Alarm 1 – X dB” is displayed in the title bar for the configured duration. If logging is enabled on the input, the alarm is recorded in the log file.

In the SPL Display Settings area of the SPL Config, there are three SPL thresholds that control the color of SPL meter readouts; Green Above, Yellow Above, and Red Above. If the value displayed in an SPL meter exceeds one of these thresholds, the readout color will change to reflect the threshold color. These colors serve as visual aids and SPL readout color changes are not recorded in the log file.

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Smaart Intro Workshop – Oslo Opera House

We just wanted to thank the sound crew of the Oslo Opera House for having invited us to do a Smaart workshop at their premises.

Thomas gave a 1-day Smaart Intro Workshop with a high focus on the new features and usability of Smaart v.8. It was fun and informative.

Working with the staff of a venue is always very much fun. One has the chance to really dig in and find out a lot. Being given the chance to do so in such prestigious place like the Oslo Opera is mind blowing.

We worked hard and very focussed covered a lot of ground. It´s thrilling to have such skilled  nice people to work with.

Thanks again to for the invitation. – Thomas Züllich, Rational Acoustics Scandinavia

Gerhard Hertzberg, Anders Verde & Morten Aleksander Nilsen

The Oslo Opera House (Norwegian: Operahuset) is the home of The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, and the national opera theatre in Norway. The building is situated in the Bjorvika neighborhood of central Oslo, at the head of the Oslofjord. It is operated by Statsbygg, the government agency which manages property for the Norwegian government.

The structure contains 1,100 rooms in a total area of 38,500 m2 (414,000 sq ft). The main auditorium seats 1,364 seats and two other performance spaces that can seat 200 and 400. The main stage is 16 m (52 ft) wide and 40 m (130 ft) deep. The angled exterior surfaces of the building are covered with Italian marble and white granite and make it appear to rise from the water.

Do not hesitate to contact Thomas should you be interested in a class for your staff. Special pricing applies and is quoted per project. 

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EXTON Iceland announced Smaart Partner

We are happy to announce that EXTON Iceland has signed up for the Scandinavian Smaart Partner Program and will help making sense of the noise.

The  program has been developed to help provide local training and product support to Smaart customers throughout via a network of Smaart Partner companies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland.

EXTON and the Rational offices in Oslo & Putnam will work closely together in coordinating the intensive courses and class program planned for the upcoming year.

We at Rational Acoustics are very excited to welcome EXTON to the Smaart team.

They can be reached at:

Ingvar Jonsson
+354 6150130
Kópavogur, Iceland
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2-day operator fundamentals, Denmark 2018-01-30-31

2-Day Smaart 2-day operator fundamentals at Hotel Legoland in Billund, Denmark. This class will be hosted by MAVT and will be taught by Jakup Knudsen.

Class language: Danish

Class dates are  January 30th – 31st. 2018
Day 1 is from 11:00am – 7:00pm.
Day 2 is from 10:00am – 6:00pm.

Read more about the event here:

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BENUM Sweden announced Smaart Partner

We are happy to announce that BENUM Sweden has signed up for the Scandinavian Smaart Partner Program and will help making sense of the noise.

The  program has been developed to help provide local training and product support to Smaart customers throughout via a network of Smaart Partner companies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland.

BENUM Sweden AB and Stonehouse AB will work closely together in coordinating the intensive courses and class program planned for the upcoming year.

We at rational acoustics are very excited to welcome BENUM Sweden to the Smaart team.

They can be reached at:

Peter Engström
+46 8 207710