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Smaart I-O released

We are proud to announce that the Smaart I-O is now released.

The Smaart I-O is a measurement-grade 2×2 USB audio inter
face designed and built specifically for use with Smaart v.7 Measurement Software.  The I-O features two high-quality, active balanced inputs with 50 dB of software adjustable gain in precision 1 dB steps.  The input gains are monitored directly by Smaart allowing the user to retain accurate SPL calibration while varying measurement signal input levels.A simple control program, included with the product (or available from our website) sets preamp gains and phantom power selection, and automatically integrates with Smaart v.7. The control program also provides firmware update capability and can rename the Smaart I-O at the hardware level – an important feature when using multiple devices with Smaart.

NOTE:  Owners of the new Smaart I-O must update to 7.3.2 to ensure that gain reporting and microphone sensitivity calculations work properly.  To update to the latest version of Smaart, log-in to your license management account at and download the latest installer.

Please click HERE for full information on the Smaart I-O, including links to the I-O Spec Sheetthe I-O Manual and the “Using Smaart with Gain Reporting Devices” app note (manual and app note are also included with the product on CD-Rom).

The Smaart I-O is available for purchase via our online store. US Retail price is $549 USD.  Or you can contact your local Rational Acoustics Dealer or Distributor for local pricing & availability.

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The Honorable John Aldrich

Boy Wonder

Phone: +1 860-928-7828

John joined the Rational Acoustics clan in January 2011 to take on the task of managing all things support-related. This means he’s one of the guys on the other end of the phone or e-mail when you contact us to say that Smaart is suddenly no longer playing nice with your i-o device or that you got the dreaded error code 543 and are now freaking out. He’s also the guy who runs Smaart development projects and gets to shake out new software release candidates and try to break them.  And in his copious spare time he also manages the bug reporting & beta tester program.

John is a computer suuuper-geenius. Don’t let him tell you differently. He’s got no less than 5 Mac Pro’s at his house that he does unspeakable modifications to,  just for fun.

Little known fact about John…even though his name is spelled j-o-h-n, it’s pronounced Karl.

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Smaart v.7 Video Library

We have just finished the first set in a series of new Smaart v.7 support videos.

These first 3 videos cover the basics of getting your Smaart v.7 license registered, installed and activated, as well as releasing and restoring a license on the same (or different) machines.Eventually we will have a whole slew of videos covering everything from licensing/registration to basic smaart configuration & measurement to specialty topics like “looking at comb filtering”, etc…  Jamie is working on them as we speak.

You can subscribe to the Rational Acoustics YouTube Channel to be notified whenever a new video is available.

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Smaart v.7 released

After 2 years of development, over 150,000 lines of code and gallons of blood, sweat and tears we are happy to announce that Smaart v.7 is now ready for initial release!

Smaart v.7 is available for online purchase immediately .  You can also download a 30 Day Demoof Smaart v.7 (please be sure to read the “ReadMe” doc on the demo download page).

Users can purchase new licenses or upgrade licenses from Smaart versions 4, 5 or 6.   If you are upgrading from a previous version of Smaart, be sure to ahve your previous version license number handy. As a reminder, Smaart v.6 licenses MUST be registered at prior to upgrading to v.7.  (if you registered your license at, your license and account info has been transferred over to and you should be able to log in with the same e-mail address and password that you used to initially register your license).

Upgrading online is the quickest and most efficient method of upgrading.  However, we do understand taht there are some users who cannot do an online purchase.  If you must pruchase a license (either upgrade or new) offline you can do so by contacting us direclyt at +1-860-928-7828 or  International users can purchase licenses directly from your local Rational Acoustics distributor.

Hard copy CD packages of Smaart v.7 (new licenses only) will be available for purchase via our online web store in approximately 2 weeks.  Please check with your local distributor for availability of hard copy CD packages.

If you purchased Smaart v.6 after June 1, 2009, you are entitled to a free upgrade to Smaart v.7.  To claim your free upgrade, please go to the online purchase page and click on “Upgrade License”.  Enter your v.6 license number and it will take you to an order confirmation page with a zero-dollar ($0) transaction (don’t worry, even though it asks for “billing info”, you won’t be asked for any credit card info..).    Once you have completed your order, an e-mail with your new v.7 license and installer links for both Mac and Windows will be sent to you.

The feature set in this v.7.0 release of Smaart represents what we feel to be the minimum for initial release.  However this is nowhere near the end of Smaart v.7 development.  “After dot” releases with new features and updates will continue to be released on a regular basis throughout the coming weeks, months and years.  All new releases and updates will be available to Smaart v.7 users through their license accounts at  We have a lot planned for this new Smaart platform – it was built to do some amazing things. So stay tuned !

We appreciate everyone’s contintued support of Smaart and your patience while we created a product that we are proud to bring to market.  We truly could not have done it without you !

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The ink is dry and the deal is DONE !
Welcome Home Smaart !!

Rational Acoustics LLC is thrilled, honored, excited and generally bursting-at-the-seams to announce that we have completed the purchase of the Smaart brand product line from Eastern Acoustic Works (EAW).

Concluding a deal that was initiated over 9 months ago; Rational Acoustics is now the sole owner of the Smaart brand and has title to all names, trademarks, code bases and assets for the complete suite of past, current and future versions of Smaart software.

Not only does this now allow Rational Acoustics complete control over the future development of Smaart, but also of the worldwide support and sales mechanisms, ensuring the best possible Smaart end-user experience.  And, it means that we will be able to offer users a smooth transition and upgrade path for the impending release of Smaart v.7.

This is a huge milestone for all of us here at Rational both personally and professionally and we’d like to thank all of our customers, industry friends and especially the Smaart user-base for the outstanding support you have shown us through these early days.  We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts and look forward to working with all of you for many years to come.

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Dr. Barbara Mattson

Sales and Logistics Superwoman

Phone: 860-928-7828

Known to Smaart users worldwide as “Barb”, Barbara was minding her own business in the service department of EAW when Jamie came along in 1999 and convinced her to work in the new SIA Software division handling Smaart sales logistics. And just when she had almost forgiven him he did it again in 2009, convincing her to come work for Rational Acoustics.

Over the past 13 years Barb has looked up more licenses, issued more PIC codes and shipped more Smaart packages than anyone on the planet. This makes her invaluable to all of us here at Rational as well as to every Smaart user who’s ever had their computer fried by an errant beer at a gig or washed that little piece of paper in their pants pocket where they had written down their license code.

Little known fact about Barb…. don’t piss her off.

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His Excellence Jamie Anderson

Instructor Guy and SysTweak

Phone: +1 (860) 928-7828
Founding member of Rational Acoustics 

The short story:
Jamie has been teaching and working in the field of sound system engineering, measurement and alignment since the early 90´s. During his career, he has worked as a technical support manager and SIM instructor for Meyer Sound Laboratories, as a system engineer on tour for A-1 Audio (kd Lang) and UltraSound (Dave Matthews Band), and most recently, as a product manager and instructor for SIA and EAW.

In the course of his professional career, Jamie has taught more than 350 SIM and Smaart classes, for over 5000 students (!), in over 20 countries on 6 continents. He has been the house system engineer for 4 Montreux Jazz Festivals and 6 Telluride Bluegrass Festivals, has worked with The Grateful Dead, Anita Baker and Louis Miguel Tours, and has been involved in hundreds of system alignments across a vast and diverse range of venues (studio to stadium) and applications (theatre, church, clubs, rock and roll tours, conventions, etc .)

What he has learned from his career so far is that art and practice of system alignment is as varied and expanding as the people, equipment and applications that encompass the field, that training classes are always a two-way street, and that anyone that understands their tools can create new and effective ways to use them.

The long story:
Jamie was going to be a lighting designer – that’s where the journey began. Throughout most of his early life, he was heavily involved in theatre production and particularly, lighting. He attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) to study EE and optical physics – always with an eye towards getting involved the world of entertainment lighting technology. While attending WPI, he occasionally worked as a stage hand at the Worcester Centrum to pick up extra cash (=beer) and ogle the cool lighting gear the touring guys had. During a load-in for the Grateful Dead, a close friend and fellow geek convinced the sound engineers, (Dr.) Don Pearson and Dan Healy, to give them a tour of their system. What really struck him was that they were using B&K dual-channel FFT analyzers for tuning their system – it was an incidental occurrence that eventually changed the course of his career.

After graduating WPI with his BS, Jamie followed his love of theatre and attended the Yale School of Drama (YSD) to get his MFA in Technical Design and Production. While he began his time at YSD believing he would become a lighting designer, it was there that he made his transition to the dark (and noisy) side and moved his focus over to sound design. Along with that transition came his first experiences of system frustration – why does my system sound different everywhere, and nowhere does it sound like it did in the studio, and what’s that noise??? When it came time to choose his thesis topic, that day in the Centrum with Dr. Don and his B&K came back to him, and he chose “Equalization for Sound System Response Optimization” (a real page-turner.) If that day in the Centrum changed the course of his career, the choosing of two system alignment professionals for his thesis advisors cemented it – Alexander Yullil Thornton III (Thorny) and 6o6 McCarthy. The former introduced him to the world of professional sound system alignment and acted as guidance councilor in his chosen field. The latter, would become a mentor who taught him to be professional system engineer, to measure and align sound systems and eventually to teach the craft to others.

After graduating YSD, Jamie took a job teaching at USC in the Theatre Department and moved out to LA. Near the end of the first year at USC, he received a call from 6o6 asking if he would be interested in a job working for him in the SIM dept. there. He packed his bags and dog Marcus the day the USC school year ended, and headed North to Berkeley as fast as his Toyota Tercel wagon could carry him (never of course exceeding posted speed limits). So began his apprenticeship under 6o6 in the SIM department and his career as a professional system engineer and instructor.

He eventually left Meyer Sound to follow the sirens’ call of the road and the life of a touring sound engineer. In 1998 he was approached by Ken Berger, then owner of EAW, with the opportunity to join them to manage their new acquisition, SIA Software Company – the creators of the new Smaart measurement platform. It seemed like a great challenge, and getting off the road and staying married was definitely an appealing change.

After nine years working on SIA and Smaart with Calvert and Karen within EAW (and eventually Mackie/Loud Technologies), the opportunity presented itself to start a new, more focused venture. So on April 1, 2008, along with Smaart v6’s principal programmer Adam Black, Rational Acoustics LLC was born. And so begins the next chapter of this story.

(We told you it was the “long story”)

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Rev. Calvert Dayton

Chief Technical Officer and Evil Genius

Phone: +1 (860) 928-7828
Founding member of Rational Acoustics 

Jack of all trades, master of… oh well, a couple maybe. Handsome devil. Wears hats well. Voted most likely to be found in the Rational office after 6:00 PM (and least likely to wander in before 11:00) for <three> years running.