The doors of the LLB 2017 have opened. You find rational acoustics and iSEMcon at the booth of the lovely people from BENUM.
Oslo based TZ AUDIO is the exclusive distributor of Rational Acoustoics products, SMAART measurment software, as well as 10EaZy SPL logging solutions, SLS Audio IEM measuremnet tools and iSEMcon microphones for the Northern European market.
It was like a beehive at the Stonehouse Stockholm office today. Fantastic crowd with lots of interesting questions and discussions.
Thanks a lot to Anders and his team for hosting this event and many many thanks for all who showed up and really made this a special day.
… ´nough said … here´s some pictures
Just in time for the workshops @Stonehouse this week a nice pile of iSEMcon hase arrived from Germany
… get them while they are fresh!
Scandinavian iSEMcon dealer:
Jakup A. Knudsen
+45 60581080
Kenneth Vadset
+47 970 55 930
Anders Molund
+46 70 6080530
Stonehouse Show Technologies arbetar sen en kort tid med två av de mest moderna och populära leverantörerna inom analys och mätning av ljud.
För att presentera produkterna inbjuder vi till mingel och workshop tisdagen den 7 februari med start 12:00 och slut ca 17:00. Pizza och vatten / läsk / kaffe bjuder vi på. Thomas Züllich från rational acoustics kommer att presentera de senaste versionerna av Smaart v8 (8.1) and den helt nya Smaart Di v2, Thomas finns sen tillgänglig för frågor och svar.
Detta lilla event är naturligtvis helt gratis.
Onsdagen den 8 februari kommer Thomas att hålla ett heldags utbildning från 10:00 till ca 18:00. Detta är lämpligt för såväl nybörjare som de som har tidigare erfarenhet av Smaart.
Fokus kommer att ligga på den praktiska användningen av programvaran. Vi kommer att ha ett litet PA-system som deltagarna får möjlighet att mäta in och optimera. Vi begränsar antal deltagare till max 15.
För denna utbildning kommer vi att ta ut en liten kostnad på 500 kronor per person, inkl enklare snacks o dryck.
UPPKÖPARVÄGEN 7, 3rd floor
120 44 ÅRSTA
Alla deltagare får rabatt vouchers för köp av Smaart software eller uppgrades, vouchern är värd upp till 100USD, så om du går i tankar att köpa software kan du spara pengar på att gå utbildningen !
Läs mer och anmäl dig via epost till Anders.
cell +46 706 080 530
office +46 13 327 26 83
The latest addition to the dual-channel Smaart “Di” platform – Smaart Di v2 – will be released on January 24th, 2017. Smaart Di v2 takes the simplified, streamlined two-channel interface from Smaart v7 Di and modernizes it with many of the features and enhancements developed for Rational Acoustics’ flagship multi-channel Smaart v8 program.
Smaart Di v2 is now the most nimble and quickly adaptable measurement environment for Smaart, with all critical configuration and control parameters accessible from a single intuitive UI (user interface). Smaart Di v2 is perfect for quick and precise measurements without the demands of the standard version’s multi-measurement, multi-mode, and multi-window complexity.
Smaart Di’s Spectrum and Transfer Function engines have all the same power and capabilities as those in the multi-channel version. However, in the spirit of simplicity, Di does not include a separate Impulse Response (IR) Mode. Instead, all time domain measurement capabilities in Di reside in the Live IR display of the TF measurement.
In order to maintain easy portability and interoperability between versions, both versions of Smaart use the same RTA and Transfer Function data formats. Moreover, v8 and Di v2 share the same base control and command structure (view controls, zooms, hot-keys, data capture commands, etc.), so moving back and forth between versions does not require learning a whole new control and command paradigm.
Di v2’s data handling has been overhauled to reflect the new Session Folder and Graph Legend organizational structure this is found in Smaart v8.
By design, the data structure and much of the command and control paradigms are the same between both versions of Smaart. The underlying measurement code is the same. That said, there are three functional needs that would prohibit the use of Di;
Beginning on January 24th, 2017, Smaart Di v2 can be purchased via the Rational Acoustics Online Store or through authorized Rational Acoustics Dealers & Distributors.
New License US Retail. Electronic Delivery – $595
New License US Retail. Hard Copy CD Package – $620 (plus shipping)
Smaart Di v2 New License Additional-Install – $250 each
(purchase of additional installs on a new Smaart Di v2 license)
v.7 Di to Di v2 Introductory Special – $99 (valid January 24 – April 24, 2017)
v7 Di to Di v2 – $199 (After April 24th, 2017)
v.6 to Di v2 – $300
v.5 to Di v2 – $400
** Smaart v4 is no longer eligible for upgrade pricing.
End users who purchased a license of Smaart v.7 Di between October 23, 2016 – January 23, 2017 qualified for a FREE upgrade to Smaart Di v2. This offer applies to Smaart v.7 Di new license purchases and upgrades only.
If you purchased Smaart v7 Di during the grace-period and have your Smaart v7 Di license registered to an account at by January 15th, 2016, a Smaart Di v2 license will be automatically added to your account and a notification will be sent to the email address on file for your account.
If you purchased Smaart v.7 Di during the grace-period but do not have your license registered to an account by January 15th, you will need to contact to claim your free Smaart Di v2 license. You may be asked to provide proof of purchase to determine eligibility.
Invitation to the demo event rational acoustics will be doing at the upcoming ISE Show in Amsterdam. We will be debuting Smaart Di v2 and showing Smaart v8.1.
Also… as of today, we have posted preliminary Smaart Di v2 product and pricing information on our web site via the following links.
Smaart Di v2 Product Information –
Smaart Di v2 Pricing –
We are not exhibiting on the show floor at ISE, and will only be doing this special one-day off-site event. The event is open to everyone, so if you will be attending the ISE show we would love to see you and please feel free to share this invitation with your friends who will be at ISE.
Thursday, February 9th
1:00pm – 7:00pm
Holiday Inn Amsterdam
Montana Room, Mezzanine Level
DeBoelelaan 2
1083 HJ, Amsterdam
(15 minute walk from the RAI, or take tram #4 one stop from Europaplein to Station RAI)
From 1:00pm to 5:00pm we will be doing ongoing demos of the software. Jamie, Chris and Johnny will all be on hand to provide one-on-one or group demos and answer technical or product questions. From 5:00pm to 7:00pm there will be a cocktail reception for all Smaart distributors, users, customers, etc….
If you decide to attend, please send a quick rsvp email so we can get a headcount. The room we have this year is not as large as last year and we want to make sure we can accommodate everyone. If you would like to set up a specific time for a demo, please let Karen know so she can schedule it for you.
Jamie has been teaching and working in the field of sound system engineering, measurement and alignment since the early 90´s. Over the course of his career he has worked as a technical support manager and SIM instructor for Meyer Sound Laboratories, as a system engineer on tour for A-1 Audio (kd Lang) and UltraSound (Dave Matthews Band) and as a product manager and instructor for SIA and EAW.
You can read more about Jamie Anderson here –
day 1 – February 2. 2016 – 11:00 – 19:00
day 2 – February 3.2016 – 10:00 – 18:00
The class will be held at the Hotel Legoland in Billund.
MAVT does have very good contact with the venue and will organise accomadtion and catering, which all is included in the package price. So you do not need to book your own hotel.
Besides the tuition the price of DKK 4.200 (excl. VAT) includes overnight stay at the Legoland Hotel, dinner on Februar 2. and refreshments (that is tea, coffee, cake, fruits) during the courses.
Every participant will get a certificate of attendance, the course material in digital format and on top a discount of 100 USD on a full (50 USD on an upgrade) license.
For more information and booking, please get in touch with:
Jakup A. Knudsen
+45 60581080
A very interesting year, was it a good one for you?
This year has been filled with some great and some very strange events. From the Rio Olympics to Brexit, and the American Election you can’t say this year hasn’t been eventful!
For rational acoustics it was a very exciting year. Smaart v8, the most powerful, flexible and adaptable version of Smaart to date, was released on March 15th, 2016. The new product was phenomenally well received by the marked.
The distribution and customer support in Scandinavia was revamped with a totally new concept run by long time friend and supporter Thomas Züllich. The Scandinavian Smaart Partner Program started in fall this year.
Stay tuned and follow for upcoming classes and workshops. There´s lot´s of activity in the pipeline.
We wish you a pleasant a peaceful holiday season.
The User Guide can be purchased via (see link below).
It is priced at $35.99 and is Amazon Prime eligible. The printed version is current through v8.1 so it covers all of the new features that were added in the 8.1 release back in November.
The digital version of the v8 User Manual is always available for free via the support section of –