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Chris Tsanjoures

Chris Tsanjoures

ChrisTsanjouresSingaporePRProduct & Applications Manager, Smaart Instructor

Phone: +1 860-928-7828

After a brief internship followed by a part-time position, Chris officially joined Rational Acoustics as a full time employee in March 2012 as our Smaart Applications Support Specialist (we’ll leave the acronym for you to figure out). His current roles also include Product Management and Smaart Instructor.

A lifelong audio guy, Chris holds a BA in Music Production & Technology from the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford.  He also works as a freelance sound engineer throughout New England, spending most summer weekends working the stages at regional fairs and music festivals. Before settling down and deciding to get a day-job, Chris spent his post-college years touring throughout the US and Canada as the lead guitar player for the Portland, OR based melodic hardcore band, It Prevails.  He’s a phenomenal guitarist… and we don’t just say that ’cause he works with us.  We’d go see him even if we didn’t have to.

Chris would like the world to know that RoboCop, Total Recall, and Starship Troopers are the best films by Paul Verheoven, and possibly ever.

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Smaart I-O released

We are proud to announce that the Smaart I-O is now released.

The Smaart I-O is a measurement-grade 2×2 USB audio inter
face designed and built specifically for use with Smaart v.7 Measurement Software.  The I-O features two high-quality, active balanced inputs with 50 dB of software adjustable gain in precision 1 dB steps.  The input gains are monitored directly by Smaart allowing the user to retain accurate SPL calibration while varying measurement signal input levels.A simple control program, included with the product (or available from our website) sets preamp gains and phantom power selection, and automatically integrates with Smaart v.7. The control program also provides firmware update capability and can rename the Smaart I-O at the hardware level – an important feature when using multiple devices with Smaart.

NOTE:  Owners of the new Smaart I-O must update to 7.3.2 to ensure that gain reporting and microphone sensitivity calculations work properly.  To update to the latest version of Smaart, log-in to your license management account at and download the latest installer.

Please click HERE for full information on the Smaart I-O, including links to the I-O Spec Sheetthe I-O Manual and the “Using Smaart with Gain Reporting Devices” app note (manual and app note are also included with the product on CD-Rom).

The Smaart I-O is available for purchase via our online store. US Retail price is $549 USD.  Or you can contact your local Rational Acoustics Dealer or Distributor for local pricing & availability.

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The Honorable John Aldrich

Boy Wonder

Phone: +1 860-928-7828

John joined the Rational Acoustics clan in January 2011 to take on the task of managing all things support-related. This means he’s one of the guys on the other end of the phone or e-mail when you contact us to say that Smaart is suddenly no longer playing nice with your i-o device or that you got the dreaded error code 543 and are now freaking out. He’s also the guy who runs Smaart development projects and gets to shake out new software release candidates and try to break them.  And in his copious spare time he also manages the bug reporting & beta tester program.

John is a computer suuuper-geenius. Don’t let him tell you differently. He’s got no less than 5 Mac Pro’s at his house that he does unspeakable modifications to,  just for fun.

Little known fact about John…even though his name is spelled j-o-h-n, it’s pronounced Karl.

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Smaart v.7 Video Library

We have just finished the first set in a series of new Smaart v.7 support videos.

These first 3 videos cover the basics of getting your Smaart v.7 license registered, installed and activated, as well as releasing and restoring a license on the same (or different) machines.Eventually we will have a whole slew of videos covering everything from licensing/registration to basic smaart configuration & measurement to specialty topics like “looking at comb filtering”, etc…  Jamie is working on them as we speak.

You can subscribe to the Rational Acoustics YouTube Channel to be notified whenever a new video is available.