
Smaart v9 RT

EURO 340,56EURO 853,38

Smaart RT is a stand-alone version of the Real-Time Mode interface of Smaart Suite. RT includes all of the Real-Time mode features in Smaart Suite with no limitations or changes to the FFT-based measurement functionality. Any restrictions in RT apply to IR measurement (there is no IR Mode) and SPL Measurement (there is no SPL Mode).

Each licence can be installed on two separate computers simultaneously. If you wish to install your licence on more machines at the same time, you can do so by purchasing “additional installs.” This option saves a little, as an additional install costs less than half the price of a full licence. This approach makes sense for larger companies that need to equip multiple machines with a SMAART licence.

In the dropdown menu below, you can select the licence type applicable to you. In case of an upgrade, please have your previous SMAART version licence code ready and enter it in the comments field of your order at checkout. Upgrades are only available with a valid licence code.


Real-Time Mode
For a majority of Smaart users, Real-Time mode is what makes Smaart smart. The single channel Spectrum and dual channel Transfer Function measurements are essential tools for professional sound engineers worldwide. Real-Time Mode is specifically designed for sound system engineers to accomplish their alignment and optimization work quickly, efficiently, and effectively.

SPL Limitations
Smaart RT allows for calibrating any inputs for SPL and calibrated spectrum measurement. In addition, RT offers a single, read-only SPL meter in the main interface for viewing common SPL values without advanced SPL mode features like logging, reporting, alarms, etc.

Smaart RT vs Smaart LE
Both Smaart RT and Smaart LE offer the same multi-input, multi-output, multi-measurement capability. Where they differ is in the depth of settings and advanced user functions. RT is the same RT mode as Smaart Suite. LE is a stripped-down version of RT.

Additional information

License Type

RT New License, RT Additional Install, LE to RT upgrade, v8 to RT upgrade, v8 to RT upgrade additional install, Di v2 to RT upgrade, Di v2 to RT upgrade additional install, v7 Di to RT upgrade, v7 Di to RT upgrade additional install, v7 to RT upgrade, v7 to RT upgrade additional install, EML Educational Partnership License