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Smaart v8 2-day class with Jamie Anderson in Denmark

2-day Smaart class on February 2. & 3. @ Legoland in Billund

The class will be taught by Jamie Anderson, founder of Rational Acoustics.

Jamie has been teaching and working in the field of sound system engineering, measurement and alignment since the early 90´s. Over the course of his career he has worked as a technical support manager and SIM instructor for Meyer Sound Laboratories, as a system engineer on tour for A-1 Audio (kd Lang) and UltraSound (Dave Matthews Band) and as a product manager and instructor for SIA and EAW.

You can read more about Jamie Anderson here –

day 1 – February 2. 2016 – 11:00 – 19:00
day 2 – February 3.2016 – 10:00 – 18:00

The class will be held at the Hotel Legoland in Billund.

MAVT does have very good contact with the venue and will organise accomadtion and catering, which all is included in the package price. So you do not need to book your own hotel.

Besides the tuition the price of DKK 4.200 (excl. VAT) includes overnight stay at the Legoland Hotel, dinner on Februar 2. and refreshments (that is tea, coffee, cake, fruits) during the courses.

Every participant will get a certificate of attendance, the course material in digital format and on top a discount of 100 USD on a full  (50 USD on an upgrade) license.

For more information and booking, please get in touch with:

Jakup A. Knudsen
+45 60581080