Training & Classes

Learn to Make Sense of the Noise

  • Smaart Operator Fundamentals

After completing the Smaart Operator Fundamentals course, you will receive an AVIXA-approved certificate of attendance. Additionally, your name will be included in the Smaart Operator directory on our website.

A Smaart operator has the option to undergo an online examination. Upon successfully passing this test, you will attain the status of a Certified Smaart Operator. This certification entitles you to a 5% discount on all products available in our webshop. Read more about the Smaart operator certification here

  • Practical application

In the application sessions, we practice using software-based measurement tools like Rational Acoustics Smaart in a concert venue or on a stage. These sessions typically span two days, with a detailed curriculum tailored to the requests of the students and clients.

  • Sound System Engineering Bootcamp

Our most popular format is the Sound System Engineering Bootcamp. This intensive four-day course combines the fundamentals and practical modules into a compact, action-packed, and information-filled experience. We promise, after that, you’ll be ready to fly and take on the most complex projects.

  • Retaking the class.

Students who wish to attend the Sound System Engineering Bootcamp a second (or even third) time can benefit from a 50% discount on the registration fee. If you have passed the certification exam, you can also choose to participate only in the boot camp’s practical sessions, which usually take place on days 3 and 4. To proceed, simply purchase a ticket from one of the classes listed below. Your discount will be automatically applied at checkout in our webshop.

  • EDU

Students in an Educational Partnership can avail of a 50% discount to participate in a Sound System Engineering Bootcamp. To continue, just purchase a ticket from one of the classes listed below. Kindly specify in the comments section the educational partner you’ve studied with, so we can apply your discount during invoicing.

  • Invoicing

Kindly note that we will send you an invoice through our bookkeeping system.

Thomas Züllich

Thomas Züllich teaches smaart classes in Scandinavia. He is a certified instructor and noted for his professional audio experience and superior teaching skills.

AVIXA™ is the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association, producer of InfoComm trade shows worldwide, co-owner of Integrated Systems Europe, and the international trade association representing the audiovisual industry. Established in 1939, AVIXA has more than 11,400 enterprise and individual members, including manufacturers, systems integrators, dealers and distributors, consultants, programmers, live events companies, technology managers, content producers, and multimedia professionals in 80 countries. AVIXA members create integrated AV experiences that deliver outcomes for end users. AVIXA is a hub for professional collaboration, information, and community and is the leading resource for AV standards, certification, training, market intelligence, and thought leadership. 

The Smaart Operator Certification Program allows users to demonstrate their proficiency in operating the Smaart software platform. The program consists of the Smaart Operator Level 1 Certification Exam and the Smaart Operator Network. Different levels of certification will be added as more advanced Smaart training programs, and tests are developed.


Level 1 Smaart Operator Certification is to confirm the successful completion of Smaart training, as presented in the in-person or online Smaart Operator Fundamentals class. It is a certification that the student: 

  • understands the basic operational paradigms embodied in Smaart software 
  • understands the fundamental measurement concepts involved.  
  • can set up and run a Smaart system
  • make basic measurements
  • read the information presented in the data

It does NOT certify any level of sound system engineering capabilities or the ability to interpret Smaart data to make helpful system alignment decisions. (To use a medical analogy… Level 1 certification means that a user knows how to run a CAT scan machine, not that they can accurately interpret the results to make a medical diagnosis).

How do I  become Level 1 certified?
Smaart Operator Level 1 Certification is granted upon completing the Smaart Operator Fundamentals Level 1 Exam. The Level 1 exam is open to all Smaart users. However, the exam is specific to the terminology, workflow, and interface of Smaart v8 and uses Smaart v8 screenshots in many questions. Users who have only worked with versions of Smaart before v8 or with Smaart Di will want to attend an in-person Smaart training class or review the online Smaart Operator Fundamentals webinars v8 Operational Videos before attempting the exam.

How much does it cost to get Level 1 certified?
For anyone who has taken an official Smaart Training Class since the launch of Smaart v8 in April 2016 (either with Rational Acoustics directly or from any Authorized Smaart Instructor), the first attempt at taking the exam is free.  If you do not pass the exam on the first try, you can re-take the exam at the cost of $24.99 per attempt. Most class attendees will have received an email with a free test access code. If you have not received a test access code, please get in touch with your class organizer:

  • For classes taught within Scandinavia – email
  • For courses taught within the USA by Rational Acoustics – email moc.scitsuocalanoitar@noitacifitrec
  • For courses taught outside of the USA – email your class organizer/instructor directly

If you took a Smaart training class before the release of Smaart v8, or if you have never taken an in-person Smaart Training class, the cost to take the Level 1 exam is $24.99 per attempt.

Is the Level 1 Exam only in English?
The Level 1 exam is currently available in English and Spanish. Other languages will be added as translations are completed. We do not have a definitive list of languages that will be available, nor dates for the addition of more languages. Test takers can choose the language to take their exam once they have registered at the online test site (see below).

What happens if I pass the Level 1 exam?
If you pass the Level 1 exam, you will receive a lovely Level 1 certificate to show off to your friends and neighbors, and you will become eligible to take future Level 2 / Advanced Smaart Training Classes for which a Level 1 certification is required. You will also be invited to add your name to the Smaart Operator Network (see details below).

What happens if I fail the Level 1 exam?
If you do not pass the Level 1 exam, you can re-take the exam as many times as you wish. Each additional attempt at taking the exam is $24.99

Where do I take the Level 1 Exam?
To access the Level 1 Exam, click on the button below. You will be redirected to the online test site, where you must register and create a user account to proceed with the exam.

Here is a short video outlining the test site registration & navigation procedures


Anyone who passes the Smaart Operator Level 1 Certification Exam will be invited to add their name to the Smaart Operator Network, a searchable online listing of Certified Smaart Operators worldwide. The certification status can filter the Smaart Operator Directory on the Rational Acoustics Scandinavia website.